Travel Action to a Destination

Hi, Guys!

We have a destination Guide.  Here I am using as an example a beach town
called Cahuita in the Caribbean area.  I have very limited vocabulary to
state.  For example, I would like to state the landscape (how the place is
like a beach, mountains, canyon, etc.) The type of activites you can do
there, what are the most common tourist types that visit that destination,
number of tourists who visit the area, the attractions, and the vibe of the

All below works except the @list that gives errors. Now, since I am doing
Json, I do not need to use the WebPage schema on this since I am giving you
an abstract or synopsis of the information contained on the page.  We have
about 60+ destination so each destination will have this script with its
own data.

In "description, should I include all the information I have for that

<script type="application/ld+json">
      "@context": "",
        "@type": "TravelAction",
        "fromLocation": {
"@type": "Country",
"@list": [
            {"name": "USA"},
            {"name": "Canada"},
            {"name": "United Kingdom"},
            {"name": "Australia"},
            {"name": "Ireland"},
            {"name": "Japan"},
            {"name": "China"},
            {"name": "New Zealand"},
            {"name": "France"},
            {"name": "Italy"},
            {"name": "England"}
        "toLocation": {
    "@type": "Country",
    "name": "Costa Rica"
  "location": {
    "@type": "Place",
    "name": "Cahuita",
    "url": "",
    "containedIn": "Costa Rica",
    "description": "Cahuita's the meridian between the black-volcanic sands
of Playa Negra and the quartz-cobbled beaches of Playa Blanca. The Yin and
Yang of its beaches coupled with Creole and Spanish culture have developed
the community over the last decade from a laid-back fishing village into a
vibrant tourist destination.",
    "aggregateRating": "10",
    "globalLocationNumber": "GEO NUMBER",
    "photo": {
    "@list": [
            {"url": "/images/img1.jpg"},
            {"url": "/images/img2.jpg"},
            {"url": "/images/img3.jpg"}

Received on Wednesday, 26 August 2015 02:49:16 UTC