- From: Melvin Carvalho <melvincarvalho@gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2015 21:12:35 +0200
- To: ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ <perpetual-tripper@wwelves.org>
- Cc: "public-vocabs@w3.org" <public-vocabs@w3.org>, Ralph Swick <swick@w3.org>, Dan Brickley <danbri@google.com>
- Message-ID: <CAKaEYh+JRRtT7eaVUKMceGKfeornCgZFUXgVV5Oumpy_UuUuuA@mail.gmail.com>
On 28 April 2015 at 18:11, ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ <perpetual-tripper@wwelves.org> wrote: > Hello, > > Next week Social WG will gather in Paris for 3rd face to face > meeting[1]. I proposed for the agenda topic of maintaining a 'living' > vocabulary, already placing myself an image of xkcd:Standards (927)[2] > next to it. > > I already made multiple attempts to clarify situation of depending on > schema.org in W3C specs. To my understanding, as for today situation > looks as follows: > - W3C does NOT approve dependency on schema.org > + W3C does approve dependency on microformats.org > Could you explain in more detail why a dependency of schema.org is needed or desirable? > > While, I find big appreciation to both efforts and reference both in > related Social WG/IG issues. Microformats makes impression of hostile to > RDF[3], but at the same time many people considers it more 'open' than > schema.org. I must admit not really understanding myself W3C position on > allowing dependency on microformats.org and NOT allowing dependency on > schema.org > > While W3C hosts in it's namespace multiple 'static' vocabularies. As of > today it doesn't seem to maintain a 'living' vocabulary. Which continues > to evolve in a way similar to schema.org or microformats.org > > As more and more W3C groups start using Linked Data and need to > recommend use of shared vocabularies. Existence of something similar to > schema.org might come beneficial for all those groups. Once again > assuming here that direct use of schema.org will never become an option > for W3C specs. At the same time I already notice use of schema.org terms > in not normative way in various drafts, especially in CGs. > > By writing this email, I hope to present current state of things, at > least as far as I understand them. And invite community to share ideas > about need for such shared 'living' vocabulary which W3C will approve > for normative dependencies. > > 1) What do you think about forking schema.org under W3C namespace, > making small adjustments but keeping it as much as possible compatible > with evolving schema.org, and later possibly merging them again? > 2) What do you think about creating such 'living' vocabulary from > scratch and making sure to incorporate experience from schema.org and > microformats.org communities? > 3) What do you think about creating tools and educational resources, > which would lower current barriers in using even minimal RDF reasoning > e.g. RDFa Vocabulary Entailment[4] and hope that people will use it to > deal with mapping between terms in various existing Semantic Web vocabs?[5] > 4) Do you see any other way, than creating such 'living' vocabulary > which provides an alternative to W3C publishing another 'static' and > duplicating many concepts already existing in schema.org and > microformats into Activity Streams 2.0 Vocabulary[6]? > > Constructive feedback much appreciated! > > [1] https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2015-05-04 > [2] https://xkcd.com/927/ > [3] http://microformats.org/wiki/triples > [4] http://www.w3.org/TR/rdfa-syntax/#s_vocab_entailment > [5] http://lov.okfn.org/ > [6] http://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/ > >
Received on Tuesday, 28 April 2015 19:13:04 UTC