Re: Structured Data/Knowledge Graph ---> PLUS Hotel ---> How to do?!

On 3 April 2015 at 13:34, Alexander Höge - Mice Maker GmbH
<> wrote:
> I've read the FAQs and searched the help center.
> URL is:
> Hello Together,
> we are strugeling with the Structured Data/Knowledge Graph. Have anyone
> already add to an event hotel accomodation? We offering the congress and as
> well accomodation and want to combine this in our structured data ...
> If yes - what is the best way?!

This sounds much more like a product-specific question (e.g. for!categories/webmasters/structured-data
) than about or structured data in general. You might find relevant,
however there are still many things you can express using structured
data which aren't directly supported in products yet.


Received on Saturday, 4 April 2015 07:09:58 UTC