Re: Adding a Job and/or Profession type (was proposal: Financial information)

I would bundle all respective additions under a new type - e.g. schema:Occupation or schema:Job, likely as a subtype of schema:Action (or schema:Thing?).

Jobs are roles that individuals hold over certain periods of time. So let us not put job-related properties directly under schema:Person.

The terms and conditions and the compensation should be modeled via schema:Demand (for Job offers - someone seeking work to get done for money) and schema:Offer (for Job search / applications - someone offering labor for money) and its existing commercial properties.

So we would have

a) Job Search

schema:Person -> schema:makesOffer -> schema:Offer -> schema:itemOffered -> schema:Occupation

b) Job Offer

schema:Organization -> schema:seeks -> schema:Demand -> schema:itemOffered -> schema:Occupation

Instead of schema:itemOffered, schema:includesObject may be more appropriate, but adds one level of indirection.


martin hepp
e-business & web science research group
universitaet der bundeswehr muenchen

phone:   +49-(0)89-6004-4217
fax:     +49-(0)89-6004-4620
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twitter: mfhepp

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On 16 Sep 2014, at 22:04, Jarno van Driel <> wrote:

> During Vicki Tardif Holland's post about Financial information for Person and Organization ( once again the subject of adding a Job and/or Profession type to has come to the table.
> Maybe therefore it's time to start thinking about this out loud. 
> A Job type would probably have a lot of properties in common with the already existing JobPosting, but which ones exactly will still have to be figured out.
> There are a couple of things I know people are looking for the Person type, which sort of overlap with this. For Person some would like to have:
> skill > Skill (eg. a list of Skills)
> qualification > Qualification (eg. a list of Qualification)
> as opposed to JobPosting's 'skills' and 'qualifications', which are plural forms with Text as their expected value.
> So the question here also is, should Person be expanded with:
> baseSalary, 
> salaryCurrency,
> skill > Skill or just skills
> qualifications > Qualification or just qualifications
> and any other property that seems to be fitting, looking at JobPosting.
> Or should we only focus on for now and continue the discussion about Person after that?
> Anyways, any thoughts are appreciated, (I'm just trying to get the subject raised here).

Received on Wednesday, 17 September 2014 13:31:13 UTC