Re: itemprop="translator"

On 2 Sep 2014, at 16:20, Dan Brickley <<>> wrote:

ps. +1 for including translator alongside properties for indicating
links between translations, and yes " (I think the sticking point on
translation is about the difference between identifying the thing
translated and the translation, or between noting that there *is* a
translation without specifying which is the original...)" is the only
sticking point I'm aware of

Before this thread totally wanders off into relators territory, not that isn’t interesting…

On the topic of translations/translator there is some efforts in this area underway within the my organisation on a dataset of 2+ million works with translation relationships. It is addressing exactly these issues (this work has unknown translation(s) - this work is a translation of some some ancient work lost in the mists of time, etc.)

When this work is shared, in the hopefully non too distant future, it will provide an excellent use-case for most of the possible variations, the basis for a proposal, and further the discussion here.


Received on Tuesday, 2 September 2014 16:35:48 UTC