Re: proposal: New Actions and Actions contigent on an Offer

If you stay properly in the Agent-Object-Promise-Location paradigm of GoodRelations, the region for which the business transaction is valid is a property (a constraint) of the offer, while the region in which you are allowed to use the product (e.g. play a video) should be a property of the schema:BusinessFunction or its subtype, the schema:License / gr:License (which is missing at the moment, since we left it out when integrating GoodRelations for legal concerns back then).

Since we will run into such issues frequently with creative works etc., I suggest to check whether schema:License as a subtype of schema:BusinessFunction can be added now. 


It already has the properties


So you can model regions, fixed temporal durations (1 month, 1 year) or absolute periods of time.

The more we can stay in the "clean" GoodRelations model for commercial transactions, the less we will suffer from inconsistencies in in the long run.
A license is really just a special form of a business function in the sense of the bundle of rights you will obtain when accepting an offer.


martin hepp
e-business & web science research group
universitaet der bundeswehr muenchen

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On 14 Oct 2014, at 16:34, Vicki Tardif Holland <> wrote:

> In my mind, there are subtle distinctions between where an Offer is available and where media can be played. As an example, e-book sellers often have limitations on where you can buy the book. (e.g. in the US you can't buy an edition from a UK publisher, you have to buy from the US publisher). However, once you have purchased the book, you can hop on a plane and download it from the new location.
> +1 to documenting all of this better as it is subtle and difficult to discern the differences based on property names.
> - Vicki
> Vicki Tardif Holland | Ontologist | 
> On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 4:24 AM, ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ <> wrote:
> On 10/14/2014 12:56 AM, wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I think elf means to relate it to eligibleRegion. availableAtOrFrom defines the place from where you can obtain a (typically physical) product.
> > Now, there are two ways for achieving this. We could expand the domain of eligibleRegion and update its text, or simply leave the regionsAllowed property as it is.
> > I opt for the latter, since consolidating the two does not really buy us a lot and adds complexity, since it links the GoodRelations part of with other branches. In general, I would not recommend to reuse GoodRelations properties in for purposes outside the Agent-Promise-Object-Location core model, because it will become difficult to track conflicts and contradictions then.
> I thought about adding short explanation for each of those properties
> how it differs from ones that may sound similar. We already do it for
> example in
> *
> *
> *
> We can find in proposal shared by Vicki as pdf, which I transcribed as
> markdown in github issue:
> {
>   "@context": "",
>   "@type": "WatchAction",
>   "target": "",
>   "contingentOnOffer": {
>     "@type": "Offer",
>     "notAvailableAtOrFrom": {
>       "@type": "Country",
>       "name": "CHN"
>     }
>   }
> }
> It uses proposed schema:notAvailableAtOrFrom, similar to existing
> schema:availableAtOrFrom . Please note we don't talk about place where
> we obtain a (typically physical) product.
> Then schema:regionsAllowed used on *MediaObject* doesn't get used in any
> examples. Still on first sight it looks like something I could possibly
> use as alternative to schema:availableAtOrFrom, of course currently I
> can't use it on Offer, but one may see it enough to use it directly on
> Video.
> Finally schema:eligibleRegion also doesn't get used in any examples but
> looks like yet another option to use instead of schema:availableAtOrFrom
> I think with few additional paragraphs similar as in
> and *clear examples* using all those
> properties we can disambiguate it much better.

Received on Wednesday, 15 October 2014 18:25:17 UTC