On Jun 25, 2014 1:11 PM, "Dan Brickley" <danbri@google.com> wrote:
> On 25 June 2014 21:04, Simon Spero <sesuncedu@gmail.com> wrote:
> > One set of details that is potentially rather important is the lack of
> > common super-property that covers everyone who had something important
to do
> > with the creation of the work.
> Could http://schema.org/contributor plug that gap, with some tweaks?
That (using http:// <http://schema.org/contributor>schema.org
<http://schema.org/contributor>/contributor <http://schema.org/contributor>,
using a Role to offer the particulars) is roughly the approach I had been
aiming for since running into a similar challenge in the comics proposal
that would have added inker, penciler, cover artist, letterer, and sundry
other contributor roles; similarly with movies and the many associated
contributor roles you find in the credits.
So hopefully the answer is "yes"?