Re: Music schema proposal

On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 11:46 AM, Thad Guidry <> wrote:

> 1. It looks like on there
> is a wrongful expected type for the musicArrangement property ?  Instead of
> it expecting a musicComposition, should it expect an AlbumRelease ?  Looks
> like a typo error or something...

The description should have been "an arrangement derived from this

> 2. It seems that trackNumber on MusicComposition might be the wrong place
> for that property ?  But then It seems like the intent for MusicComposition
> is to encapsulate the idea of a "Song" and in that case, to easily cluster
> together multiple recordings of the same work (a MusicComposition) by the
> same artist ?  But if that is the case the schema does not currently fit
> into that mold.  Can you explain why trackNumber is on MusicComposition ?

The trackNumber property was for MusicRecording, not MusicComposition.

These should be fixed on the test site soon.

- Vicki

Vicki Tardif Holland | Ontologist |

Received on Tuesday, 17 June 2014 18:21:15 UTC