Re: Proposal for Organization Sector

Hi Thad,

Sounds like a good idea.

How about seeking a relation to the W3C Organization Ontology [1] (as well
as Freebase, of course, if it brings more to the table). For this specific
matter, would either 'purpose' [2] or 'classification' [3] be applicable?

(By "seeking a relation", I (as usual) specifically mean cherry-picking
terms from existing vocabularies, possibly relabel the imports to fit the naming scheme, and explicitly linking the two using RDFS and/or
OWL in the RDF description of, to document this relation
precisely, thus enabling humans and simpler machines alike to connect the



On Sat, Jun 7, 2014 at 4:39 AM, Thad Guidry <> wrote:

> You cannot say Organizations are in or about a "Class of Thing".  The
> Organization is in a Competitive Space ...or an Organization Sector... like
> "Human Rights"... "Animal Training" ... "A/C Repair Services" ... etc.
> Freebase has all of these, btw.
> I just quickly found out within our beloved  We do NOT have an
> property called Organization Sector, like Freebase does, nor anything close
> to that to say "This org is in the business of...this org deals primarily
> with...this org mostly sells products concerning the subject of...."
> And that just bites and also makes it nearly impossible to easily say that
> an Organization or Website sells products in a particular category(sector)
> like Baby & Toddler ... or Pets (Animals) .. or Mufflers ... or A/C ... or
> provides services in the sector of "Physical Therapy" ... while not having
> to create thousands of sub-Types unnecessarily, like "Physical Therapist",
> "Muffler Shop", etc.
> We need an easy path like Organization Sector, to say that an Organization
> deals mostly with products or services in a particular sector or subject,
> if you will.
> Thoughts ?
> --
> -Thad
> +ThadGuidry <>
> Thad on LinkedIn <>

Received on Saturday, 7 June 2014 07:41:52 UTC