YourSports vocabulary extension

To provide some more specific contrast to the previous Sports Vocabulary Proposal [1], I've posted information on the type hierarchy I've been developing for [2] (also on the WebSchemas/Sports wiki page [3]).

Although much of the vocabulary supports YourSports' specific business model, the class hierarchy is broadly similar to that in the previous proposal. Where it really breaks with it, though, is in the use of enumerations when describing a SportsTeam, in contrast to specific sub-classes for each sports discipline, and in the use of a Contribution class (type of schema:Action) to describe the roles played by individuals in an organization or event. This is in keeping with previous comments I've made to that proposal.

This is offered to help forward the dialog towards the creation a collaborative Sports Vocabulary proposal, is not intended for straight adoption. There have been a number of comments by myself, as well as others, on the problems with over-relying on subclassing when extending, or any other vocabulary, particularly when it comes to adding information that is better expressed as enumerations in a common namespace (e.g., DBpedia). In this proposal, it goes for specific definitions of different types of sports teams, the roles played by individuals on that team, and the organization of that team using a hierarchy of events (seasons, games, etc.) as well as the membership of that team within some other organizational hierarchy (league, division, ...).

More specifically, I would be happy if these principles were used in a future version of [1].

Gregg Kellogg

P.S., contributions are my own, and I have a consulting relationship with YourSports. YourSports is a social network built on the relationship people have with sports teams, and each other, although it's in a closed beta at this point. Ask me if you'd like an invite.


Received on Wednesday, 19 February 2014 21:55:33 UTC