entirely up to date

Hello there,

I need this json file http://schema.rdfs.org/all.json updated to work/play with schema
The last update was performed March 4, 2014, with 1.0f version (see the last line of the file)
8 new versions have been released since, according to information found on the new schema.org releases page: http://schema.org/docs/releases.html

I use a fork of this parser to grab data I need: https://github.com/indexzero/node-schema-org
This parser use the page http://schema.org/docs/full.html to retrieve data. Now this page itself is outdated as indicated:

"Note: as of 2014-04-04 this tree is not entirely up to date. Additional types have been added: see EmailMessage, Reservation, Question and Answer, added in version 1.1. Version 1.2 added the Potential Actions vocabulary, see potentialAction, EntryPoint, target, actionStatus, ActionStatusType, ActiveActionStatus, CompletedActionStatus, PotentialActionStatus. »

Note: there is no mention of other 6 releases (since 1.3 to 1.8). 

how often we expect these updates?

(sorry for my poor english)


Received on Tuesday, 12 August 2014 08:01:00 UTC