- From: <mfhepp@gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2014 18:11:35 +0200
- To: "Jason Johnson (BING)" <jasjoh@microsoft.com>, Vicki Tardif Holland <vtardif@google.com>
- Cc: W3C Web Schemas Task Force <public-vocabs@w3.org>, Dan Brickley <danbri@google.com>
Dear Jason, dear Vicky: I have read the proposal and think that it is consistent. I see no clashes with the GoodRelations model in schema.org and prefer proposal beta (as most others). Just for the record: The entity who is the seller or broker is typically the one who makes the http://schema.org/Offer, not the provider. GoodRelations is neutral about whether the individual who makes the offer is holding the rights on the object or service or is just authorized to offer those rights on behalf of a third party. As a tendency, the entity making the offer should be the seller, but it can also be a broker. So e.g. in a real-estate scenario, an offer can be made by the owner of the property or a real-estate agent. This is not meant to complicate things: I think proposal Beta is fine and should be implemented. Best Martin ----------------------------------- martin hepp http://www.heppnetz.de mhepp@computer.org @mfhepp >>> From: Jason Johnson (BING) >>> Sent: Friday, August 1, 2014 9:00 AM >>> To: public-vocabs@w3.org >>> Subject: Buyer / Seller / Provider Re-Design >>> >>> Hi All, >>> >>> Following up on a thread which went stale back in June, Vicki and Dan @ Google + myself formalized the prior public discussions into a pair of alternative vocabulary re-designs. We then generated a (hopefully) canonical set of use cases to help validate and map those alternatives. We would like to re-start the stale discussion using this more formal proposal in the hopes that we can drive consensus ASAP. >>> >>> https://www.w3.org/wiki/File:ProviderSellerVocabularyRe-DesignProposal.pdf >>> >>> Please read through the PDF and … >>> - provide feedback on the proposed model of exchanges >>> - provide feedback on the two alternative proposals, ideally favoring one more than the other (we can’t decide ourselves) >>> - review the canonical examples we have generated and share any that we are missing – especially if neither alternative vocab addresses them >>> >>> We hope to move forward with one of these solutions ASAP and look forward to your input! >>> >>> Thank you, >>> >>> Jason Johnson >>> Microsoft >>
Received on Thursday, 7 August 2014 16:12:07 UTC