Extending SoftwareApplication (and schema.org/Project)

I am working to implement SoftwareApplication RDFa with the new pypi

There are already separate DOAP resources.

Both DOAP and SoftwareApplication are insufficient to represent the domain.

Preliminarily, I am thinking that properties like documentationUrl,
bugtrackerUrl, and ircUrl could be extremely helpful for a variety of
use cases; such as locating downstream packages by something other
than string matching (e.g. with whohas).

* http://schema.org/SoftwareApplication
* http://www.w3.org/wiki/WebSchemas/SoftwareApplicationSchema

Are there other discussions or ongoing works that I should be aware of?

Would it be feasible to create a new schema:Project class?

Wes Turner

Received on Saturday, 12 April 2014 01:48:11 UTC