Re: Citation markup with Periodical proposal

On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 12:13 PM, Karen Coyle <> wrote:
> On 4/9/14, 5:04 PM, Gregg Kellogg wrote:
>> Hi Karen, I get the following Turtle for your example:
> Thanks, Gregg. And special thanks for using turtle, which I find easier to
> read than JSON (much less JSON-LD).:-)
>> Note that the article and the periodical are not related to each
>> other. You're probably missing an @itemprop on the div introducing
>> the new @itemtype. Perhaps schema:publisher?
> This is the nut of the problem. The journal unfortunately isn't the
> publisher -- that would be easier than the reality. The publisher is
> something like "Elsevier", the journal is a publication, the article is *in*
> the journal. In a citation, it is left to a human brain to make the
> connection. In the examples [1] the connection is article (incl. pagination)
> -> issue  -> volume -> journal. However, note that this is not the order
> that is used in MLA citations, which go: article -> journal -> volume ->
> issue -> date -> pagination.
> [slightly abbreviated from actual example]
> @prefix : <> .
> [] a :ScholarlyArticle ;
>     :author "Smiraglia, Richard P." ;
>     :isPartOf <#issue> ;
>     :name "Be Careful What You Wish For: FRBR, Some Lacunae, A Review" ;
>     :pageEnd "368" ;
>     :pageStart "360" ;
> <#issue> a :PublicationIssue ;
>     :datePublished "2012" ;
>     :isPartOf [ a :PublicationVolume ;
>             :isPartOf <#periodical> ;
>             :volumeNumber "50" ] ;
>     :issueNumber "5" .
> <#periodical> a :Periodical ;
>     :name "Cataloging & Classification Quarterly" .
> ************
> Could someone who is better than I am at coding try marking up the MLA in
> html example that I gave using this vocabulary? I've tried, but I can't
> figure out an elegant way to create this structure with the items in this
> order:
> article
>         author
>         title
> periodical
>         title
>         volume#
> issue
>         issue#
>         issue date
> article
>         pages
> Thank you!

So if you want a flat / simplistic structure that does not surface any
structure in the relationship between the Periodical,
PublicationVolume, and PublicationIssue, the proposal as it stands
would use "isPartOf" to relate the Periodical, PublicationVolume, and
PublicationIssue to the Article, like the following:

<div itemscope itemtype="">
<span itemprop="author">Carlyle, Allyson.</span>&quot:
<span itemprop="name">Understanding FRBR as a Conceptual Model: FRBR
and the Bibliographic Universe</span>&quot;
<div itemprop="isPartOf" itemscope itemtype="">
<em><span itemprop="name">Library Resources and Technical
<span itemprop="isPartOf" itemscope itemtype="PublicationVolume"><span
itemprop="volumeNumber">50</span></span>, no.
<span itemprop="isPartOf" itemscope itemtype="PublicationIssue"><span
itemprop="issueNumber">4</span>(<span itemprop="datePublished">October
<span property="pageStart">264</span>-<span
property="pageEnd">273</span></div> Print.</p>

issueNumber and volumeNumber have rangeIncludes directives that limit
them to PublicationIssue and PublicationVolume respectively, so
"sufficiently distinctive" doesn't really matter; using those
properties directly on Article would simply be an error.

Does that work for you?

Received on Wednesday, 9 April 2014 16:20:31 UTC