Re: marking up quotation types

On 13 May 2013 14:25, Quotations Book <> wrote:
> I run We've made very sincere efforts to promote a distinct type for a quote, or a citation. Effectively, a quote can be seen as a statement made by a person or entity, and it has great wider implications for any citation marked up anywhere, on a blog post, web page, book, or otherwise.
> By it's nature, a quote is short (whatever that is defined as) - so entire books/essays are not quotable. It doesn't quite fit article, news or book content types.
> Our existing structured data efforts are available to syndicate freely here:
> We initially went for Google Base, then a different sort of markup. Subsequently, I looked at Google Rich Snippets, and found there was no way to markup a quote that was dedicated. We also contributed all our content to Freebase under a C-C license.
> So - I need some help. Is there any neat schema within that fits a quote? Can someone help me create one that is agreed upon by all search engines?

As it happens a team at Google were also working towards just such a
schema. I've posted a draft in the W3C WebSchemas wiki here based on
their investigations:

The sketch adds this new vocabulary: Quotation, spokenByCharacter,
incorrectlyAttributedTo, aboutEvent, fromEvent, addressee... but also
re-uses a few existing properties. How does this look?


Received on Tuesday, 28 May 2013 12:47:01 UTC