Re: Ease of adoption

Someone just has to do this, a few times, for a value prop to be

On 7/29/13 12:44 PM, "Dave Pawson" <> wrote:

>On 29 July 2013 17:39, Dawson, Laura <> wrote:
>> What I've been looking for is an interface that allows a "web monkey" or
>> home user to do thisŠin book files. To mark up ebooks semantically, and
>> search engines ingest the files in their indexes, would be a huge leap
>> forward. It would help search, it would help books, it would help
>>society as
>> a whole.
>> But we are missing three things in that: the Wordpress-y like interface
>> would allow this; the ability for an epub or mobi file to handle this
>> without breaking; and the willingness of the book market to experiment.
>> wit: Authors Guild lawsuit against Google Books regarding indexing and
>> abstracting. Walled garden ebook environments. Etc.)
>That's it Laura, widening usage even more. Add some XML vocab in there
>Pure geekery isn't going to hack it for this usage IMHO.
>Do none of the members have this sort of skill in house?
>Dave Pawson
>Docbook FAQ.

Received on Monday, 29 July 2013 16:48:41 UTC