Re: Ease of adoption

On 29 July 2013 17:39, Dawson, Laura <> wrote:
> What I've been looking for is an interface that allows a "web monkey" or
> home user to do this…in book files. To mark up ebooks semantically, and have
> search engines ingest the files in their indexes, would be a huge leap
> forward. It would help search, it would help books, it would help society as
> a whole.
> But we are missing three things in that: the Wordpress-y like interface that
> would allow this; the ability for an epub or mobi file to handle this markup
> without breaking; and the willingness of the book market to experiment. (To
> wit: Authors Guild lawsuit against Google Books regarding indexing and
> abstracting. Walled garden ebook environments. Etc.)

That's it Laura, widening usage even more. Add some XML vocab in there too.
Pure geekery isn't going to hack it for this usage IMHO.

Do none of the members have this sort of skill in house?


Dave Pawson
Docbook FAQ.

Received on Monday, 29 July 2013 16:45:08 UTC