Re: Help needed: EPUB 3.01 revision referencing a11y metadata spec


There are definitely some properties in the Accessibility list that 
could be useful for bibliographic data in general -- in particular:

accessMode (text, auditory, tactile....)
mediaFeature (text, captions, largePrint, ChemML...)
isAdaptationOf (URL)
hasAdaptation (URL)

There is overlap between some of the terms in this proposal and terms 
used routinely in library and publisher bibliographic data, however 
there are also differences. For example, I'm looking at "mediaFeature" 
which has "musicBraille" and there is a semantically equivalent term in 
the library MARC data. However, libraries also treat as media types 
things like map, globe, and manuscript music, which are not on the 
accessibility list. Library data doesn't note more detailed aspects like 
the use of ChemML (although it wouldn't be harmful to do so if the data 
were available).

Given that the accessibility proposal needs to be fast-tracked, and it 
may not be possible for the bibEx group to respond quickly, what do you 
see as the best way to handle this? Does the ePUB case need for there to 
be separate lists for accessibility, not mixed with those for the 
general description of bibliographic media types (some of which will be 
"non-accessible")? Should we assume that we can reconcile the lists in 
the future?

My personal preference would be to push through the accessibility 
proposal soon without doing reconciliation, because it would create a 
delay. But I'd be more comfortable with that if we could have a sense of 
what the future possibilities are.


On 8/31/13 5:18 PM, Dan Brickley wrote:
> Thanks for the nudge. I'll see Charles (cc:'d) shortly to discuss this.
> We'll send a followup in the next few days....
> Dan
> On 31 Aug 2013 18:17, "George Kerscher" <
> <>> wrote:
>     Dear <> folks,
>     We need some help here. The proposal at:
>     Is under consideration by  the International Digital Publishing Forum
>     (IDPF)'s working group for inclusion in the EPUB 3.01 revision that is
>     quickly working towards ISO approval as a Technical Specification.
>     It would be terrific if this could reach a status in the next few
>     weeks to
>     make it into this spec. EPUB 3 references HTML5 and other specifications
>     that are not full W3C recommendations, but a status of accepted
>     public draft
>     or better is necessary for inclusion in the spec.
>     If somehow we could get the accessibility metadata spec to this state, I
>     would appreciate it.
>      >From my POV, having this type of metadata in the package file for
>     each EPUB
>     3 publication  would go a long, long way in promoting digital
>     publications
>     that are accessible to persons with disabilities.
>     I have copied Gerardo and Matt with this request, who are in a better
>     position to answer technical questions.
>     Best
>     George
>     George Kerscher Ph.D.
>     -In our Information Age, access to information is a fundamental
>     human right.
>     Secretary General, DAISY Consortium
>     Senior Officer, Accessible Technology Learning Ally originally
>     Recording For
>     the Blind & Dyslexic
>     President, International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF)
>     Member of the National Museum and Library Services  Board (IMLS)
>     Chair Steering Council Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), a
>     division of the
>     W3C
>     Phone: +1 406/549-4687 <tel:%2B1%20406%2F549-4687>
>     Cell:+1 406/544-2466 <tel:%2B1%20406%2F544-2466>
>     Email: <>

Karen Coyle
ph: 1-510-540-7596
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Received on Saturday, 31 August 2013 22:27:34 UTC