Re: proposal for extending Thing

On 10.04.2013, at 1:03, Raj Singh <> wrote:

> I'm developing schema for points of interest (POIs), based on a lot of work on a conceptual model [1]. I've created an initial implementation using existing vocabulary -- particularly the Place object [2]. 
> Two things seem to be omitted from the core schema, which are key components of our POI model. First is the idea of categorization, or freeform tagging, such as is present in the Atom category element [3]. This is a concept used in the POI model, but seems incredibly useful for any type of object, and therefore I believe category should be a property of Thing. 

It shouldn't be difficult to reuse spec for this. Their main case is RDFa, while has official RDFa representation too.

Received on Tuesday, 9 April 2013 21:15:16 UTC