Fwd: LOD Provider Survey 2012

[Apologies if you received multiple copies because of cross-posting].

Please distribute to any person who could be interested on participating 
in this survey.

-------- Mensaje original --------
Asunto: 	LOD Provider Survey 2012
Fecha: 	Fri, 21 Sep 2012 11:51:28 +0200
De: 	Markus Luczak-Rösch <markus.luczak-roesch@fu-berlin.de>
Para: 	<public-lod@w3.org>
CC: 	<mcsuarez@fi.upm.es>, "'Elena Simperl'" <elena.simperl@kit.edu>

Dear all!

In 2010 we performed the initial edition of the LOD Provider Survey, an
empirical survey aiming at understanding the ontology reuse and ontology
development process performed by LOD providers.

Covering round about 25% of the data sets publicly known in 2010 the survey
can be considered successful. We also got valuable feedback from the
community. A preliminary report on the survey was published at [1].

During the last two years lots of things happened. The LOD cloud was
dynamically growing and attracts people from different communities today. We
believe it is time for an updated overview and want to invite all LOD
providers to participate in the 2012 instance of the LOD Provider Survey at


The compilation of the results will found the base for a round table road
mapping discussion at our workshop on Ontology Engineering in a Data-driven
World (OEDW - http://granvia.dia.fi.upm.es/oedw2012/) co-located with EKAW

As usual any kind of feedback regarding the survey in general or the
questionnaire is very welcome.

Best regards,
Markus (also on behalf of the OEDW co-chairs)

Dipl.-Inform. Markus Luczak-Rösch  | Freie Universität Berlin
Lecturer/Research Associate        | Dept. of Computer Science
www.markus-luczak.de               | Königin-Luise-Str. 24/26
                                    | D-14195 Berlin
Networked Information Systems WG   | Phone: +49 30 838 75226
                                    | luczak@inf.fu-berlin.de
www.ag-nbi.de                      | Skype: markus_luczak

Received on Friday, 21 September 2012 13:25:41 UTC