Re: Adding a property on

For your markup to be properly parsed you may only an itemprop (property)
that is listed under the itemtype (type) you're describing.

As you'll see there is no itemprop "category" for - either
in general properties for Thing or in specific properties for Offer (you
will find the itemprop "category" under,
but that sure won't help you here.:).

In any case (and rather to make a long story short) if there was such a
property it would in any case more likely to be associated with the product
being sold, rather than the selling offer itself.

The GoodRelations ecommerce vocabulary does have just such a property, if
you're interested in employing that rather than/in addition to

On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 1:13 AM, <> wrote:

> Hi, I'm new on this subject and not sure if I'm doing something wrong:
> I need to use an extra property "category" on the existing
> I added then line:<meta itemprop="category" content="Photography">
> When  testing with new property is read but I get the error:
> Warning: Page contains property "category" which is not part of the schema.
> Is this ok?
> Thank you.
> Full code:
> <tr itemscope="" itemtype="">
>                      <meta itemprop="category" content="Photography">
>                     <span itemprop="price">R89</span>
>                     <span itemprop="description">Whimsical, Hand Printed
> Tea Towels</span></span> - Offer expires: <b>09/11/2012 06:01</b> <meta
> itemprop="priceValidUntil" content="2012-11-09T06:01:00">
>                                     </tr>

Received on Monday, 5 November 2012 22:05:01 UTC