Adding a property on

Hi, I'm new on this subject and not sure if I'm doing something wrong:

I need to use an extra property "category" on the existing

I added then line:<meta itemprop="category" content="Photography">

When  testing with the new property is read but I get the error:
Warning: Page contains property "category" which is not part of the schema.

Is this ok?

Thank you.

Full code:

<tr itemscope="" itemtype="">                     
                     <meta itemprop="category" content="Photography">
                    <span itemprop="price">R89</span>
                    <span itemprop="description">Whimsical, Hand Printed Tea Towels</span></span> - Offer expires: <b>09/11/2012 06:01</b> <meta itemprop="priceValidUntil" content="2012-11-09T06:01:00">

Received on Monday, 5 November 2012 21:43:20 UTC