Re: Schema for legal judgements?

Am Donnerstag, den 31.05.2012, 08:52 -0500 schrieb Adam Wood:
> Plus, the idea that a legal decision is a "Creative Work" is just kinda weird.
> Legal decisions are part of a larger body of "The Law" generally, and
> I would think that there would be value in finding a way to
> schema-tize the whole of it- from Consitutions to Contracts, from
> Regulations to corporate by-laws to Church canons.
> Sounds like a project.

Hm, yes and no. From my point of view (continental europe) there is a
difference between the law and its application -- it is all part of a
legal system, and legal decisions help make new ones, but they don't
become law. I guess in UK/USA, this is different.

Anyway, I think it would make sense to build the necessary schemes step
by step: one for legal norms like constitutions and codes, one for legal
decisions, and one for "private" documents like contracts, licenses,
corporate by-laws etc.

Of course, these schemes need to relate to each other, e.g. to express
that there is a court decision that provisions in a license violate a

Michael Below <>

Received on Thursday, 31 May 2012 14:39:15 UTC