Re: Last Call for Comments ... Re: proposal for updates to

HI there

On 2 May 2012 19:51, Michael Steidl (IPTC) <> wrote:
> Dan and group,
> the IPTC has created data structures for events in the news exchange context
> – the EventsML-G2 standard [1] for generic events and SportsML-G2 [2] for
> sports specific events – and as many web pages showing lists of events are
> fed by data from news agencies or other news providers our working groups
> went over the changes to the class proposed by Dan
> Brickley [3] and the ESPN/Google proposal of sport (event) data markup [4]
> and we have collected these comments:

Thanks for coordinating reviews of both of these, much appreciated!

> ** Overview
> - the IPTC supports to have a generic event as super class of any classes
> for sport events.
> - the generic event class should support all properties which are not
> clearly specific to a sports event
> - sports event type specific sub classes should reflect the variations of sport events and provide the specific properties only.

All sounds good

> 1) Comments on the proposed changes of

> 1.1) on eventStatus: we support adding it. IPTC has already a controlled
> vocabulary for that purpose [4] and we would be happy to add the two
> proposed terms to it. looks handy, and thanks
for the offer of additions - that could make sense.

Let's look at this in the light of the 'external enumerations' discussion last
week, also re 'genre' codes, and check how some worked examples work.

> 1.2) on eventCategory: IPTC supports adding this property.
> Further EventsML has a more generic property named “subject” to which one
> may apply a wide range of categories and therefore we propose to consider to
> adopt an additional “about” property as it already exists for the
> CreativeWork class with the same semantics.  (Example: Why not to apply a
> horse category to the Ascot event? Will help finding it.)

Sounds useful. We also btw have schema:keywords for more classically
textual description of topics.

At the moment 'about'  (and 'keywords') is only for CreativeWork,
should we attach it to Event also?

> 1.3) on startDate and endDate: the EventsML-G2 structure for recurring
> events follows the iCalendar design - –
> which is quite sophisticated, we know. However allowing more than one
> startDate and endDate might not work either. There is nothing which
> explicitly pairs a startDate with an endDate, using only the sequence of
> properties for pairing is too open to simple syntax errors.

This seems to be the central remaining problem: the start/end pairing
isn't enough, since sequence is meaningless is many environments.

> 1.4) In addition we propose from the set of the core event properties of
> EventsML-G2 to add these two properties:
> 1.4.1) organizer: Person or Organization. The party organizing the event.
> 1.4.2) registration: Text. The how and when to register for the event. Could
> also include information about the costs and more.
> IPTC adds: a complementary class for e.g. ordering tickets could be added
> too.

I'll add these proposals to the Wiki...

Thanks for all this, and for the Sports analysis below (which I'll
look at separately).

One more ingredient re events that we'll also need to look at is  ... some interesting work around family
history, genealogy and historical data. I hope we'll see a full
proposal / submission from them in the v near future.



> 2) Comments on the ESPN/Google sports schema proposal
> 2.1) First the IPTC comments on the proposal as it is [4]
> 2.1.1) on the hierarchy and the properties: a couple of properties of the
> proposed Thing > Event > SportsEvent > SportsMatch class are not specific to
> a sports match and IPTC proposes to add them to super classes:
> - association (if a property organizer is added to event there is no need
> for association), stadium (the Event class already has a location – so why a
> stadium at all) to the SportsEvent class
> - broadcast, ticketsLink, liveStreamLink, timeStatus to the Event class
> 2.1.2) these other proposed properties of SportsMatch are explicitly
> supported by IPTC:
> series
> statusText -- eg. bottom of 6th inning
> competitors
> previewLink
> liveUpdateLink
> recapLink
> boxScoreLink
> periods
> 2.1.3) The IPTC proposed to add these properties from SportsML:
> - status: enumeration, -- pre-event, mid-event, post-event, forfeited, etc.
> - official: Person. Ensures that the sports match is played according to its
> rules.
> - award: Thing. A medal, ribbon, placement, or other type of award for the
> winner of the match.
> 2.2) The IPTC proposes a modification of the basic design of the ESPN/Google
> draft:
> The IPTC proposes to:
> - enrich the SportsEvent class with the properties proposed for the
> SportsMatch (see 2.1.2)
> - not to define a SportsMatch class as subclass of SportsEvent to qualify an
> event as sports match …
> - … but to use the subEvent property of a SportsEvent instance to refer to
> an event which is a match in a tournament.
> Reason: the IPTC sees only minor differences in the definition of a class
> SportsEvent and a class SportsMatch, having both raises ambiguity issues.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> Thanks for considering our comments,
> and sorry for being a bit late.
> Michael
> Michael Steidl
> Managing Director of the IPTC []
> International Press Telecommunications Council
> Web: - on Twitter @IPTC
> Business office address:
> 20 Garrick Street, London WC2E 9BT, United Kingdom
> Registered in England, company no 101096

Received on Monday, 14 May 2012 17:22:07 UTC