Re: On using qualified names for properties

On 10 May 2012 12:03, Adrian Giurca <> wrote:
> Sorry I'm coming in with another question:
> Do you consider that and
> as two distinct properties?

I prefer that we understand it as a single property that can be used
in multiple situations.

Sometimes this approach means that documentation from the most general
level can seem awkward or too vague at more specific levels, e.g. name
in says "The  name of the item." rather than
"The name of the book.", but on balance it is simpler to treat
properties as context-free. There are ways we could add more context
specific documentation (and usage rules) in later.

> On 5/10/2012 11:29 AM, Егор Антонов wrote:
> Does it actually means, that there is no conflicting property names in
> different types yet?
> Shouldn't we use + class name + property name to make
> properties URIs really U?

I don't believe we have any conflicts yet, because we have
uppercase-vs-lowercase as a way of keeping things separate. But yes,
as the vocabulary grows, there are greater opportunities for overlap.

An additional reason to stay with the flat model of
'' + property name, is that this is how RDFa
composes property URIs. For example in
we only need the string '' once, and the parser
generates property URIs such as

<div vocab="" typeof="Person">
  <span property="name">Jane Doe</span>
  <img src="janedoe.jpg" property="image" />
  <span property="jobTitle">Professor</span>
  <div property="address" typeof="PostalAddress">
    <span property="streetAddress">
      20341 Whitworth Institute
      405 N. Whitworth
    <span property="addressLocality">Seattle</span>,
    <span property="addressRegion">WA</span>
    <span property="postalCode">98052</span>


Received on Thursday, 10 May 2012 10:29:47 UTC