proposal for update to

Hello all,

I am working on a team at Comcast that is using the VideoObject from and would like to start a discussion on extending the schema to have two new properties:

closedCaptioned (Boolean) Whether this video has closed captioning available.
packagingFormat (Text) Packaging format used (ism, hls, move, etc).

closedCaptioned is self-explanatory.

packagingFormat describes the format that the video object is packaged in, as opposed to its encodingFormat. A video in mpeg4, for example, could be cut up and packaged to allow for variable bitrate transmission in a packaging system like Microsoft's ism, or Apple's hls format.

We propose that this information would be useful for conveying information about a video object in the general schema. I look forward to your comments..

Trevor Lalish-Menagh, Sr. Web Developer
(484) 868-6150 (mobile)
cimtmenagh (AIM/Skype)

Received on Friday, 2 March 2012 22:13:36 UTC