Re: Follow up on singularity changeset

On 29 June 2012 17:24, Stéphane Corlosquet <> wrote:
> Seems like we missed a couple of properties which should have been changed
> to their singular form. Most of the properties at the bottom of
> the unchanged properties of the Singularity proposal should remain plural,
> but 'ingredients' from Recipe ought to be singular since 1) its definition
> is "An ingredient used in the recipe." and 2) the example shows a list of
> multiple instances of ingredients. Finally 'ingredient' (singular) is
> consistent with the property defined in the Google documentation for Rich
> snippets - Recipes and used in microformats, microdata and RDFa. (I know
> this is not, but it will make the migration to markup
> easier and less error prone).
> 'offers' is another one that I think should be singular. It is used in
> CreativeWork, MediaObject, Event, and Product. Maybe it was meant to be the
> third person, but still that does not make sense: "Event has an Offer"
> sounds right, but "Event offers an Offer" does not sound right.
> Dan, I'm happy to put this in the wiki, can I update the existing proposal
> even though it's marked published, or should this go into a new page?

Thanks, stick it at the end under "Oops"...!


Received on Friday, 29 June 2012 15:45:56 UTC