Re: property cardinality and use of plural (WAS Re: SoftwareApplication proposal for

On 24 February 2012 16:33, Lin Clark <> wrote:
> Looking at this brought up a previous question. I see that properties such
> as operatingSystems are given plural names. However, it could look confusing
> in microdata.
> For example:
> <div itemscope="" itemtype="">
> <ul>
>   <li itemprop="operatingSystems">OSX 10.6</li>
>   <li itemprop="operatingSystems">Windows 7</li>
> </ul>
> This was previously brought up in Issue 5, and I pointed out the kinds of
> confusion using the plural in that way might cause for content authors. Has
> there been any further discussion?

There has been a bit of discussion, but nothing conclusive.

What do others here think? Is's use of plural properties
problematic enough that people want a change?

I don't have a complete list but for example

* has 'reviews' pointing to a 'Review
-- Review of the item.'
* or 'encodings' -> 'The media objects that encode this creative
work'. (It also has 'offers' and 'mentions' but those have a
non-plural reading)
* has 'actors', which takes (Person) 'A cast
member of the movie, TV series, season, or episode, or video.'
* and also 'director' (Person), 'The director of the movie, TV
episode, or series.'.

Anyone care to make a complete list of these?


Received on Friday, 24 February 2012 16:05:22 UTC