A few general questions about CreativeWork

Newbie to schema.org here, so pardon the post if any of these questions are
more than obvious.  Any guidance would be appreciated.

   - About vs Description:  Does “About” in “CreativeWork” connote broad
   keywords or concepts about the content?  Or is it more of a short
   description?  For example: a recipe might be “food and cooking” or is it
   more specific like “cooking with saffron”

   - Headline vs Name: Do you use both?  Is the general idea that you use
   the Thing properties all the time and then use the other schemas (like
   CreativeWork) when applicable?  Or once you use a more specific schema then
   the more general one (Thing) is implied? I see in the documentation it says
   “More specific types share properties with broader types. “  Not sure if
   that applies to this one

   - Image vs Thumbnail URL: Image is a property for Thing, Thumbnail URL
   for CreativeWork.  Are they one in the same, or could they be?  Basically a
   similar question to the previous one.

Thanks for any and all help.

Barbara McGlamery
Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia

Received on Thursday, 23 February 2012 16:16:22 UTC