In regards to one of the open questions...more questions...
1. I think that the Periodical Series would "contain" multiple Creative
Works which are the individual Issues themselves. I do not think that a
Periodical Series can be a Creative Work in itself, unless you give it more
definition. For instance, I do not see any properties on the Periodical
Series that would hold a "creator". Perhaps you are you just missing that
? and if so then...question 2...
2. Can you logically fill in WHO created the "X-Men comic book series" ?
or is it easier to say WHO created the "X-men comic book characters" that
became featured in a Comic Book Series ?
In Freebase, we have a "created by" property on the Comic Book Series type: and
3. Are there properties on the Freebase Comic Book Series type that could
be borrowed ? I am thinking "First Issue" and "Final Issue" which would be
linked elements to an individual Comic Issue. I notice you have startYear
and endYear under Periodical there also a need to quickly link
out to the First or Final Comic Issue ?