Re: Process Question

On 1 February 2012 19:44, Guha <> wrote:
> The most important thing to do is to get traction (in terms of
> discussions, consensus, publisher support) from the community. After that,  it is easy.

Yes. I think we should also try to take care to get some non-English
language examples with each proposal. Japanese was mentioned here and
that would be great.

Peter - feel free to use our area of the W3C Wiki to keep drafts and
proposals - - or at least link them
for others to find.

As Guha says, isn't very formalist regarding review. But
the more consensus we see around a proposal, the more sensible it
seems to us to adopt it.



> guha
> On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 2:24 PM, Olson, Peter <> wrote:
>> Hi List –
>> A few weeks ago I submitted the Marvel draft for several schema pertaining
>> to comics.  We were wondering what the process is for the consideration and
>> adoption of new schemas once they are submitted.  Basically, should we just
>> start to evangelize and get comments from the wider comics industry or
>> should we wait for a more formal review from  Apologies if this
>> is answered somewhere else – we just couldn’t find it.
>> -peter
>> Peter Olson | VP, Web and Application Development | Marvel Entertainment

Received on Wednesday, 1 February 2012 18:51:26 UTC