Re: Proposal for an additional term: mediaType

On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 11:37:34AM +0200, Dan Brickley wrote:
> A fairly short list of DCMI Types seems to be at
> (scroll down
> a bit...) or see also
> I didn't find a list yet corresponding to the granularity of Greg's
> request, but maybe I missed it. Tom, Stuart ... any pointers?
> >From Greg's mail...
>  - Audio CD
>  - Audiotape
>  - Calculator
>  - CD-I
>  - CD-ROM
>  - Diskette
>  - Duplication Master
>  - DVD/ Blu-ray
>  - etc

There's a list of RDA Carrier Types -- part of the RDA standard developed by
key national libraries for use in library cataloging.  See [1] and some
historical background at [2].  It is a pretty extensive, maintained list,
developed over decades, though it may not be up-to-the-minute with Blu-Ray and
the like.  Maybe there's a way the two efforts could complement each other?

The person to ask about this is Gordon Dunsire <>.



Tom Baker <>

Received on Tuesday, 28 August 2012 14:08:21 UTC