Proposal for an additional term: mediaType

Hello all,

In the work surrounding the creation of LRMI, and doing real world
markup on hundreds of works (for a proof of concept project) we have run
into a need that isn't adequately addressed by the current
specification, and has broader applicability than just learning
resources (so not appropriate to be included in the LRMI proposed

Simply, there is a need for a term that represents the notion of
mediaType. When marking up hundreds of educational resources from
publishers we have found this to be a commonly used field.

Some sample values for that field, based on our set of resources, would
 - Audio CD
 - Audiotape
 - Calculator
 - CD-I
 - Diskette
 - Duplication Master
 - DVD/ Blu-ray
 - etc

I've cc'ed here Suraiya Suliman who is working on the team that is
building a tool to mark up these hundreds of learning resources.



Greg Grossmeier
Education Technology & Policy Coordinator
twitter: @g_gerg / @greg / skype: greg.grossmeier

Received on Monday, 27 August 2012 21:35:18 UTC