- From: Jeni Tennison <jeni@jenitennison.com>
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2011 11:50:57 +0100
- To: public-vocabs@w3.org
On 18 Oct 2011, at 11:11, Bob Ferris wrote: > alternatively by utilising RDFa [1] you could probably achieve the intended kind of modelling, see the following example: > > <div xmlns:ex="http://example.org/" xmlns:so="http://schema.org/"> > <div about="[ex:author1]" typeof="[so:Person]"> > <h1 property="[so:name]">Isaac Asimov</h1> > </div> <!-- person --> > <div about="[ex:book1]" typeof="[so:Book]"> > <div rel="[so:author]" resource="[ex:author1]"></div> > <div property="[so:name]">The Dark Ages</div> > </div> <!-- book --> > <div about="[ex:book2]" typeof="[so:Book]"> > <div rel="[so:author]" resource="[ex:author1]"></div> > <div property="[so:name]">The Best of Isaac Asimov</div> > </div> <!-- book --> > </div> <!-- namespace div (optional) --> > > (I added resource identifier for the person and the two books) > > If you put this snippet into a webpage, you could check the extracted result, e.g., via check.rdfa.info, see [2]. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be Rich Snippet friendly, see [3]. Maybe, I did another mistake for not being Rich Snippet conform ;) Try using RDFa 1.1 Lite (no namespaces) if you want this to be used for Rich Snippets: <div vocab="http://schema.org/"> <div about="#asimov" typeof="Person"> <h1 property="name">Isaac Asimov</h1> </div> <!-- person --> <div typeof="Book"> <div rel="author" resource="#asimov"></div> <div property="name">The Dark Ages</div> </div> <!-- book --> <div typeof="Book"> <div rel="author" resource="#asimov"></div> <div property="name">The Best of Isaac Asimov</div> </div> <!-- book --> </div> <!-- namespace div (optional) --> (Lot simpler, too.) Cheers, Jeni -- Jeni Tennison http://www.jenitennison.com
Received on Tuesday, 18 October 2011 10:51:30 UTC