Re: Curriculum Vitae (resumé) schema

2011/10/7 Tantek Çelik <>:
> That's quite a good list of resources Dan!

Thanks, I should've been more explicit that it was just a quick brain
dump and a few searches; sorry I forgot hResume!

> Specifically, you mentioned:
>> As usual, the Microformats community have already been quite active in
>> researching this topic; you should check out
>> and if you prefer to keep
>> notes in their (public domain licensed) wiki, that's great; just drop
>> in a link from the W3C page. Or add to both.
> I'd like to reiterate that invitation to everyone, please feel free to
> add any known/previous formats for resumes to existing public domain
> microformats research on the subject, and use existing research as you
> see fit - that's what it's there for as a community resource:
> But there's one big link that Dan surprisingly missed: hResume
> Developed using aforementioned research in combination with research
> on actual resume publishing practices on the web.

Thanks for filling in the gap there.

> Two key things here:
> 1. hResume is the most published resume format on the web (for several
> years now)
> from over 10 million resumes on LinkedIn - all marked up with hResume
> to numerous long tail examples, tons of individuals who've posted
> their resumes online with hResume.
> If you're looking at writing a resume search or similar application,
> that's a good place to start.
> 2. hResume is also well implemented, with numerous generating and
> parsing/consuming applications/sites.
> E.g the Guardian's jobs/resume aggregator site imports hResumes:
> More listed here:

All good to know :)

Would this be a good practical example to work through how hResume
looks from the perspective of the Microformats 2.0 ideas in ? Can you give a simple
list of properties and entry types (or whatever they are called) that
are needed for hResume descriptions?

> Take a look and see if hResume works for your Curriculum Vitae
> (resumé) schema purposes, if it doesn't please send feedback about
> what problems/issues you run into so that it can be improved
> accordingly.
> As this is already a vocabulary (and format) in wide usage, I'm cc-ing
> microformats-discuss for feedback/iteration.
> Feel free to join irc:// for more
> real-time follow-up/discussion.



Received on Friday, 7 October 2011 21:49:51 UTC