RE: [Fwd: Cloud Computing and Social Computing]


I'm not sure that "core" disagrees.  They came back and said that we
need to solve WebID.


On Wed, 2010-08-18 at 13:43 -0500, Cutler, Roger (RogerCutler) wrote:

> You know, I'm tempted to write a rant titled "Something is wrong with access control".  The observation here is that people keep telling me that all the access control standards needed for interop are in place, vendors keep telling me that they implement these standards and that everything is OK -- and then EVERY SINGLE TIME we try to do something even the least bit different that involves interop IT DOESN'T WORK!  Then you have these interminable telephone calls -- after you've found the multiple experts to talk to each other -- involving dark muttering about obscure subjects like Kerberos configuration and whatever -- and after a few weeks it works.  The essential observation here, however, is that this seems to happen every single time.  This means to me that there must be something fundamentally wrong out there, but I haven't the slightest idea what it is.
> OK, I got that out of my system.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ashok malhotra [] 
> Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2010 10:45 AM
> To: Cutler, Roger (RogerCutler)
> Cc: Jeff Jaffe; public-vision-core
> Subject: Re: [Fwd: Cloud Computing and Social Computing]
> Roger:
> I'm speaking for myself, not for the Taskforce, the TAG or my employer.
> Cloud Computing has indeed captured the IT imagination and is big in the 
> press and in standards bodies.
> But if you look at Cloud Computing its only points of intersection with 
> W3C are the use of URIs as
> identifiers and the use of REST-style.interfaces.  The interesting and 
> hard parts of Cloud Computing have
> to do with managing and monitoring applications in the Cloud.  I'm not 
> sure what the W3C has to contribute
> in these areas.
> All the best, Ashok
> Cutler, Roger (RogerCutler) wrote:
> >
> > I hope that the way I put this will not be viewed as rude or overly 
> > confrontive.
> >
> >  
> >
> > *From:* Jeff Jaffe []
> > *Sent:* Wednesday, August 18, 2010 10:23 AM
> > *To:* public-vision-core
> > *Cc:* Cutler, Roger (RogerCutler)
> > *Subject:* [Fwd: Cloud Computing and Social Computing]
> >
> >  
> >
> > Forwarding input to the Core group.
> >

Received on Wednesday, 18 August 2010 18:56:00 UTC