Deprecation of termsOfUse in VCDM v2.0

Hi Alen, John, and Symeon,

I'm sending this on behalf of the W3C Verifiable Credentials Working Group.

As you know, the group is considering the removal of the section on
"Terms of Use" from the VCDM v2.0 specification. It was brought to our
attention that EBSI uses the property, has implemented it, and can
provide 1) confirmation that they are using it in a significant way,
and 2) an example for us to use in the specification.

We had invited EBSI to the last two meetings and allocated agenda
time, but no one from EBSI has been able to attend. The Working Group
needs to make a determination on this PR:

To be clear, we are not removing the feature, but rather "reserving
the term for future definition" because no one else has been able to
come forward demonstrating a significant deployment of the feature.

If EBSI would like us to keep the section in the specification, please
1) confirm that EBSI has deployed the feature in a significant way
(e.g., you have deployed it in a production setting and/or there are
multiple implementers of EBSI Terms of Use), and 2) provide an example
of a VC that contains the EBSI Terms of Use extension.

If we do not get the following from EBSI in the next 7 days, we will
proceed with reserving the term for future definition and removing the
section describing the term from the v2.0 specification.

-- manu

Manu Sporny -
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.

Received on Saturday, 20 July 2024 20:24:44 UTC