Re: Chairs' decision on VC-ACDC Proposal

On Wed, Mar 22, 2023 at 11:15 AM Mike Jones wrote:
> The ACDC proponents can still define a mapping per the resolution that makes ACDCs VCs.

"ACDC VCs" is the sort of vagueness that is probably going to get the
group into trouble. :)

Per the resolution at the Miami F2F, the ACDC proponents can define a
mapping, through any process that they see fit, and publish it
anywhere on the Internet,  that converts an ACDC into an
`application/vc+ld+json` media type serialization that can then only
be called a "Verifiable Credential" if it conforms to the normative
rules in the VCDM. The same goes for JWTs, Gordian Enveloped, and Data
Integrity protected content.

We really need to clarify the above, because if we don't have
alignment on it, we'll continue to see  "strange PRs" raised in these
specifications (because we're not all on the same page about the
above) and, even worse, specifications defined outside of the VCWG
that call themselves "VCs", while not conforming to a variety of
statements in the VCDM.

-- manu

Manu Sporny -
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
News: Digital Bazaar Announces New Case Studies (2021)

Received on Wednesday, 22 March 2023 16:32:10 UTC