Re: New deterministic CBOR Libraries (Rust & Swift) from Blockchain Commons

Thanks Christopher - this is awesome work, and is very much appreciated!

Mike Prorock

On Wed, Feb 15, 2023, 20:00 Christopher Allen <> wrote:

> Since I know that many projects in the broader Credentials Community
> already use CBOR, I'd like to announce Blockchain Commons' release of dCBOR
> libraries for Rust and Swift. In particular, these two languages
> demonstrate our support of use cases for dCBOR for mobile in Android and
> iOS:
>    - *dCBOR Codec for Rust:*
>    - *dCBOR Codec for Swift:*
> We've also produced a CLI app using our Rust library, which can be used to
> test parsing and validation:
>    - *dCBOR CLI:*
> We focused on the deterministic flavor of CBOR per ยง4.2 of RFC-8949
> <>because
> of our specific need to produce deterministically repeatable hashes in the
> Merkle Tree underlying our Gordian Envelope
> <> data
> format. We suspect that there will be others with similar needs and hope
> these dCBOR libraries will prove useful for other specs & standards using
> I'd love to get any advice, comments, or thoughts you have on our dCBOR
> libraries, as well as any requirements that the libraries may need to meet.
> I'd also appreciate to get any CCG-related CBOR test examples that we can
> use in documents and examples, such as mDL and COSE tests.
> I'm also happy to discuss why we picked CBOR
> <> as a data
> format and why dCBOR is particularly advantageous, either here or in our discussion
> forums at GitHub
> <>.
> Thanks!
> -- Christopher Allen
>    Blockchain Commons

Received on Thursday, 16 February 2023 03:27:02 UTC