New deterministic CBOR Libraries (Rust & Swift) from Blockchain Commons

Since I know that many projects in the broader Credentials Community
already use CBOR, I'd like to announce Blockchain Commons' release of dCBOR
libraries for Rust and Swift. In particular, these two languages
demonstrate our support of use cases for dCBOR for mobile in Android and

   - *dCBOR Codec for Rust:*
   - *dCBOR Codec for Swift:*

We've also produced a CLI app using our Rust library, which can be used to
test parsing and validation:

   - *dCBOR CLI:*

We focused on the deterministic flavor of CBOR per ยง4.2 of RFC-8949
of our specific need to produce deterministically repeatable hashes in the
Merkle Tree underlying our Gordian Envelope
<> data
format. We suspect that there will be others with similar needs and hope
these dCBOR libraries will prove useful for other specs & standards using

I'd love to get any advice, comments, or thoughts you have on our dCBOR
libraries, as well as any requirements that the libraries may need to meet.
I'd also appreciate to get any CCG-related CBOR test examples that we can
use in documents and examples, such as mDL and COSE tests.

I'm also happy to discuss why we picked CBOR
<> as a data format
and why dCBOR is particularly advantageous, either here or in our discussion
forums at GitHub <>


-- Christopher Allen
   Blockchain Commons

Received on Thursday, 16 February 2023 01:00:23 UTC