On Sun, Apr 16, 2023 at 12:06 AM Kristina Yasuda
<> wrote:
> I am confused why the publication date cannot be this Thursday 20th, given there are no changes to the document needed and there is already a WG resolution?

Aside from the W3C approval process that Ivan mentioned, which is
highly unlikely to be approved by this Thursday, there was an
agreement[1] that the VC-JWT Editor's do the following things:

1. Directly update the specification based on what they felt needed to
be done, given that it was noted that the specification was in bad
2. Prepare a FPWD-ready document (Orie did this, thank you).
3. Present it to the group and have the group do a review of the
document before it is published.

At this time, I will note that:

* Items 1 and 3 have not happened.

Regarding item 1, the large PR with concerns was merged (which was
expected), but hardly any reworking of the specification for FPWD has
occurred. A cursory review of the document shows that the
specification is in just as bad of a shape as it was when we discussed
it during the call last week. There was an opportunity to fix large
parts of the specification, add issue markers for areas that are
problematic, and, in general, improve the specification for FPWD
publication. AFAICT, that has not happened.

Regarding item 3, it was explicitly stated[2] that there would be a
review cycle on the Editor's reformatting of the document for FPWD.
Now, there seems to be a rush to publish while ignoring that review

To be clear, I'm not objecting to FPWD. I'm just noting that what's
happening is not what the WG had agreed to last week. I expect the
Chairs to enforce the consensus of the group.

-- manu


Manu Sporny -
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.

Received on Sunday, 16 April 2023 13:55:11 UTC