Re: JobPosting JSON-LD data jumped by 500% over last two years

Thanks for sharing, Manu.

I'll be covering this report at tomorrow's meeting of the Open Skills
Network Technical Workgroup, where we'll talk a little about the
implications for discoverability of skills and connections to

This call series happens every two weeks at 8am Pacific on Wednesday,
alternating with the OSN's Open Recognition Workgroup call. Free to join.
For information about all OSN calls, sign up at

Tomorrow's zoom connection details for anybody who would like to join
crossing over from VC-EDU:

Join Zoom Meeting - 8am PDT, Wednesday Sept 6
Meeting ID: 997 5446 2781 One tap mobile +12532158782,,99754462781# US

Some additional notes and summary I picked out of the data:


   New release: The Web Data Commons Data Set Series
   University of Mannheim

   Data is extracted from the "Common Crawl <>",
   the largest web corpus available to the public and released as a data
   series every year since 2013. This data is for 2022. Extracted data

   Interesting skills trends from this year's summary:

      Use of JobPosting data has expanded from 9k websites to 50k websites
      over the most recent 2 years covered 2020-22.

      JobPosting data appeared on 4.1M urls across those 50k websites.

      Food/service jobs spotlight:

         5828 entities of class JobPosting were published on the
         expressed 415 JobPostings
 expressed 15154 JobPostings

      9.47% of domains expressing JobPosting data includes linked "skills".

         Within domains sometimes expressing skills, only 16% of postings
         had them, avg

         For example, across 20k JobPostings Japanese career path portal
         site includes skills 0.7% of the time. 21% of postings
         on included skills

*Nate Otto*
Founder, Skybridge Skills

Received on Wednesday, 6 September 2023 00:37:07 UTC