Re: The world of credential engine

On 11/01/2022 12:38, Snorre Lothar von Gohren Edwin wrote:
> This is fantastic feedback! Thanks.
> What is the best fora for similar questions to be discussed?
I guess here is OK.
>     You need something more like:
>     "credentialSubject": {
>         "id": "did:web:matthew's_did",
>         schema:hasCredential: {
>           "type": "ceterms:MicroCredential";
>           "ceterms:name": "Test micro",
>           "ceterms:description": "This will describe the credential"
>         }
>       }
>     (NB: the merits of using of schema:hasCredential in a VC is the
>     sort of thing we need to discuss in this group)
> Yeah I have seen that and was hoping it might be a fluke that it was 
> used. To me it does not make much sence that a VC contains another 
> container for a credential they have.
I think it comes from that difference in Credentiual between VC and 
Credential Engine. To me it is like you degree certificate saying that 
you have a BSc.
> The VC itself is a credential of a credential I have, I believe.
> So from my JSON-LD understanding, i can type something inside the 
> credentialSubject, and it will understand what is the type, plus the 
> parent type, credentialSubject fields.
Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean about the parent type. JSON-LD is a 
graph-based model, not a hierarchy, so there are no "parents"; VCs 
having all those nested objects is just a choice of style which makes 
the format look more familiar to people used to JSON, it can be 
flattened without changing the meaning.
> But since alot of these other data points have ID, we have a conflict, 
> and need to wrap them into a container.
Sure, nothing outside of the {} block describing the Test Micro 
credential is about that credential.
> But this example dont have a conflict and could technically be type 
> defined at the root level of this credentialSubject, just as this 
> example: <>
> Or what is the history of hasCredential?

Well, this is how it got into,


>>     Why do I have to use ceterms:name, infront of name when it is
>>     wrapped in a micro credential type?
>>     Is that becaus the JSON-ld of
>>     <>, might not follow same format when doing
>> <>?
>     I am not quite sure I understand your question properly. Do you
>     mean why do you need the "ceterms:" prefix? That identifies the
>     namespace, so that we know you mean the CTDL version of name not
>     the <> or FOAF version of name (not
>     that there any real difference in this case). It's a common
>     requirement when JSON-LD builds on more than one vocabulary, see
>     section 4.1.5 of the JSON-LD spec,
>     <> Often this is
>     hidden in the JSON-LD context file.
> Yeah my questions might come from my lack of JSON-LD knowledge. So 
> this is more JSON-LD question
> Again this example: 
> <>
> I thought by typing the credentialSubject, it would be possible to use 
> the "childrens" types directly, like email and identifier.
> But that might be a flat hiearchy, and since email and identifier is 
> directly available on <>, it has no 
> relation to its type?
> And that everything comes from context, and if I want to have flatter 
> attributes, I would have to explicitly define them like this example: 
> <>?
> -- 
> *Snorre Lothar von Gohren Edwin
> *
> Co-Founder & CTO, Diwala
> +47 411 611 94
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Phil Barker <>.
CETIS LLP <>: a cooperative consultancy for 
innovation in education technology.
PJJK Limited <>: technology to enhance learning; 
information systems for education.

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England number OC399090
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Received on Tuesday, 11 January 2022 14:32:46 UTC