Re: 2006-09-07 some test on unicorn

>Hello Nicolas,
>Your tests look interesting and thorough, but I am not sure what  
>precisely they are attempting to test.
>Many of them are not at all using the unicorn tool, but instead using  
>some other tools (feed, rdf, svg validator) which are not, as of  
>today, integrated with unicorn yet.
>Care to give a little more context?
>Thank you.

I dont know the roadmap for unicorn, so excuse me if my comments shock
it (or you). I hope the most of w3c web validator will be integrated in the future. 

My former message contain a draft of "test suite" for what is explain below. 
An idea for a web validator, could be a future version of unicorn, or a 
successor : 
During the check of an html document, the validator does not check only 
this one (markup, wai, embeded css etc), but also the linked document. 
I did give some example : rss, atom, css, rdf (all linked by <link>), svg 
(linked by <object>). I test if the specific valildator check the file (and the 
result is "checked" for the 6), and next i test if unicorn check the file 
if i submit only the (uri of the) embedding file (and the answer is "not checked" 
except for css). 

Next step in the road : even, coupled to a web site copier/mirrorer (like Httrack, capacity to check a whole web site by just clicking 
one command (such i can miror a whole web site with Httrack). 
After all, mozilla makes each night many test of compilations 
( and . 

>olivier Thereaux - W3C -

Received on Thursday, 21 September 2006 10:12:49 UTC