[tvcontrol-api] new commits pushed by tidoust

The following commits were just pushed by tidoust to https://github.com/w3c/tvcontrol-api:

* Merge branch 'update-sotd' into gh-pages
  by François Daoust

* Merge branch 'gh-pages' of github.com:w3c/tvcontrol-api into gh-pages
  by François Daoust

* Update license to use W3C Software and Document License

The current charter of the TV Control Working Group asserts that the group will
use the W3C Software and Document License:


The TV Control API specification has been incorrectly published under the
W3C Document License up until now, though. This update tells ReSpec to use
the right license.
  by François Daoust

* Merge branch 'gh-pages' of github.com:w3c/tvcontrol-api into gh-pages
  by François Daoust

* Preparing publication as final Working Group Note

The update includes a couple of fixed for broken links
  by François Daoust

Received on Thursday, 18 May 2017 12:50:37 UTC