{Minutes} TTWG Teleconference 2023-10-12

Thanks all for attending today’s TTWG meeting. Minutes can be found in HTML format at https://www.w3.org/2023/10/12-tt-minutes.html

In text format:


      [1] https://www.w3.org/

                             – DRAFT –
                Timed Text Working Group Teleconference

12 October 2023

   [2]Previous meeting. [3]Agenda. [4]IRC log.

      [2] https://www.w3.org/2023/09/28-tt-minutes.html

      [3] https://github.com/w3c/ttwg/issues/266

      [4] https://www.w3.org/2023/10/12-tt-irc


          Andreas, Atsushi, Matt, Nigel, Pierre

          Cyril, Gary




    1. [5]This Meeting
    2. [6]DAPT
         1. [7]Horizontal Review
         2. [8]Wide Review
         3. [9]Pull Request and Issue review
         4. [10]Redraft opening section of §2.1 w3c/dapt#183
         5. [11]Rework audio description original and translation
            languages w3c/dapt#179
         6. [12]Other DAPT matters
    3. [13]W3C response to the DVB liaison
    4. [14]Meeting close

Meeting minutes

  This Meeting

   Nigel: Given the regrets, and who can make it today, I think
   we'll be mainly talking
   … about DAPT pull requests where there's been some discussion
   … I don't think there's anything to discuss re IMSC-HRM right
   … Any other business, or points to make sure we cover?

   Andreas: Yes, the response to the DVB liaison

   Nigel: Apologies, I saw you wanted to discuss that and forgot
   to add it to the agenda.
   … Consider it added.


    Horizontal Review

   Nigel: Current status is we have a completed review from
   Privacy and from Internationalisation
   … and we are awaiting reviews from the other HR groups.

   Atsushi: TAG colleagues have labelled the DAPT request as
   … It's in the accessibility track. I'm not sure why/how they
   are thinking, but they tagged it that way.

   Nigel: Thank you, I didn't notice that.

   Atsushi: I suppose TAG colleagues just wanted to hear from
   Accessibility colleagues about their concerns
   … or views, but I'm not sure what is their actual intention.

   Nigel: OK, thank you

    Wide Review

   Nigel: We had some great feedback from DVW that Cyril raised as
   an issue, initially.
   … It seemed to fit better as a Discussion, so I moved it to

   [15]Specification review by DVW w3c/dapt#187

     [15] https://github.com/w3c/dapt/discussions/187

   Nigel: So feel free to raise other discussions, or to comment
   on each thread within the DVW review discussion page.
   … This is a good pattern for other discussion topics too,

    Pull Request and Issue review

    Redraft opening section of §2.1 [16]w3c/dapt#183

     [16] https://github.com/w3c/dapt/issues/183

   github: [17]w3c/dapt#183

     [17] https://github.com/w3c/dapt/pull/183

   Nigel: I made some more edits yesterday, Matt reviewed and
   … I just wanted to check in and understand what problems

   Andreas: Reiterate that if other reviewers are happy, then we
   can go ahead.
   … If these terms are as used in the domain, it's fine.
   … I thought there were some cases were the term script on its
   own is used generically, like in Script Type

   Nigel: I can't see that.

   Andreas: It's in §2.2.1 3rd bullet

   Nigel: Ah, thank you, I will fix that.
   … I'll also do another check through for any other instances of

   Andreas: I found one other place, in the same section, below
   the first example, 2nd paragraph.
   … "The first example shows a script where ..."

   Nigel: Yes, I see what you mean.
   … Apologies I didn't catch those before and resolve them. I
   will look for others, also if you
   … find any more please let me know.

   Andreas: Yes, will do.

   SUMMARY: Remove standalone term "script" when it means script
   or transcript.

    Rework audio description original and translation languages

     [18] https://github.com/w3c/dapt/issues/179

   github: [19]w3c/dapt#179

     [19] https://github.com/w3c/dapt/pull/179

   Nigel: I think the issues have now been resolved by removing
   Text Language Source for non-translated content,
   … and having it set to the source language for translated
   … The latest commits should express that.

   Andreas: I will review offline.

   Nigel: Thank you.

    Other DAPT matters

   Nigel: I raised an issue to add an editorial comment somewhere
   about the potential other uses
   … of DAPT including using an Original Transcript as a
   post-production script.
   … Matt raised this originally

   Matt: I haven't any specific wording off the top of my head but
   am happy to review a pull request

   Nigel: I'll work on that.

  W3C response to the DVB liaison

   [Matt leaves due to time constraints]

   Nigel: I haven't drafted anything specific here.

   Andreas: I think it would be good for TTWG to send something
   out as soon as possible.
   … We have the discussion, and it's more or less finished. We
   just need the summary to send back
   … so I would suggest that we try to agree on a draft offline
   before the next meeting, just so we can send something
   … that the DVB can work with.

   Nigel: I think the action is on me to draft that, though I will
   take volunteers!

   Andreas: I would be happy if Nigel could sum it up.
   … All of the comments would be very useful to have.

   Nigel: I think it is important that we send our feedback, given
   the nature of what we discussed.

   Andreas: [summarises briefly the discussion from TPAC]

   Nigel: Ok, I will try to bump that up my list of things that
   need reviewing.

   Pierre: I'm happy to review or contribute especially on the
   player model

   Nigel: That's helpful, thank you, I would love to take you up
   on that.

   Andreas: Thanks Pierre.

  Meeting close

   Nigel: We've finished our agenda for today. Let's adjourn.
   Thank you everyone.
   … See you in a couple of weeks [adjourns meeting]

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by
    [20]scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).

     [20] https://w3c.github.io/scribe2/scribedoc.html


   Succeeded: s/Matt leaves/Matt leaves due to time constraints

   Succeeded 2 times: s/ngiel/nigel/g

   Succeeded: i/Nigel: Given the regrets/scribe+ nigel

   Maybe present: SUMMARY

   All speakers: Andreas, Atsushi, Matt, Nigel, Pierre, SUMMARY

   Active on IRC: nigel

Received on Thursday, 12 October 2023 15:47:17 UTC