Re: ISSUE-366 (condition vs xml:id): xml:id uniqueness needs to be broken for some uses of condition [TTML2]

On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 8:01 AM, Silvia Pfeiffer <>

> On 16 Jan 2015 15:40, "Nigel Megitt" <> wrote:
> >
> > From: Glenn Adams <> Date: Friday, 16 January 2015 14:33
> >
> >> We could also upgrade @region to IDREFS, like @style, in which case, if
> more than one of the referenced regions is semantically active, i.e.,
> condition is not false on multiple referenced regions, we could define
> behavior as one of:
> >> use the first (and only first) referenced region that is semantically
> active;
> >
> > Seems like a good idea, as a minimum.
> >>
> >> select the content into all referenced regions that are semantically
> active;
> >
> > I don't know a use case for this.
> FWIW: on the web, ID is semantically supposed to point to 1 or 0 elements,
> not to more. I'd highly recommend for the first option to avoid confusions.
The distinction is between IDREF and IDREFS. The former points exactly one
element (not zero). The latter points at one or more elements.

We already have a few attributes typed as IDREFS, such as @animate, @style,
and @ttm:agent.

The idea being discussed here is upgrading @region from IDREF to IDREFS so
that it may reference multiple region elements, some (or all but one) of
which may be semantically excluded by @condition. The only question in my
mind was whether the interpretation of @region with more than one non-null,
i.e., more than one non-conditionally-excluded, region references should
mean (1) use first non-null region, or (2) use all non-null regions (i.e.,
map the same content to the multiple non-null regions).

I have a preference for the latter interpretation for the sake of symmetry.

> Cheers,
> Silvia.
> >
> >
> >>
> >> On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 7:18 AM, Glenn Adams <> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 2:52 AM, Timed Text Working Group Issue
> Tracker <> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> ISSUE-366 (condition vs xml:id): xml:id uniqueness needs to be broken
> for some uses of condition [TTML2]
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Raised by: Nigel Megitt
> >>>> On product: TTML2
> >>>>
> >>>> Consider the use case in which an author wishes to permit the viewer
> of a TTML2 document to select from one of a number of style choices, either
> depending on a parameter or a media query, for example choices that vary
> tts:fontSize and tts:extent to accommodate 'normal size font', 'large size
> font' and 'small size font' options.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> The condition attribute can only be used to omit an element from
> semantic processing, not to change its behaviour. One might imagine that
> the following is a way to proceed:
> >>>>
> >>>> ...
> >>>> <layout>
> >>>> <region xml:id="r1" condition="parameter(text_size)=='large size
> font'" tts:extent="95vw 30vh" .../>
> >>>> <region xml:id="r1" condition="parameter(text_size)=='normal size
> font'" tts:extent="80vw 20vh" .../>
> >>>> <region xml:id="r1" condition="parameter(text_size)=='small size
> font'" tts:extent="60vw 15vh" .../>
> >>>> </layout>
> >>>> <styling>
> >>>> <style xml:id="sFontSize" condition="parameter(text_size)=='large
> size font'" tts:fontSize="15vh"/>
> >>>> <style xml:id="sFontSize" condition="parameter(text_size)=='normal
> size font'" tts:fontSize="10vh"/>
> >>>> <style xml:id="sFontSize" condition="parameter(text_size)=='small
> size font'" tts:fontSize="7.5vh"/>
> >>>> <style xml:id="sDefaultFont" style="sFontSize"
> tts:fontFamily="myFontFamily"/>
> >>>> </styling>
> >>>>
> >>>> ...
> >>>>
> >>>> <body>
> >>>> <div region="r1" style="sDefaultFont">
> >>>> ...
> >>>> </div>
> >>>> </body>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Condition is not intended to be used like #ifdef | #ifndef, i.e., as a
> syntactic inclusion/exclusion system, but as semantic inclusion/exclusion
> only. There are perfectly good alternatives to the above that do not
> require duplicating ids, such as:
> >>>
> >>> <styling>
> >>> <style xml:id="s0" tts:fontFamily="myFontFamily"/>
> >>> <style xml:id="s1" condition="parameter(text_size)=='large size font'"
> tts:fontSize="15vh" tts:extent="95vw 30vh"/>
> >>> <style xml:id="s2" condition="parameter(text_size)=='normal size
> font'" tts:fontSize="10vh" tts:extent="80vw 20vh"/>
> >>> <style xml:id="s3" condition="parameter(text_size)=='small size font'"
> tts:fontSize="7.5vh" tts:extent="60vw 15vh"/>
> >>> </styling>
> >>>
> >>> <layout>
> >>> <region xml:id="r1" style="s0 s1 s2 s3"/>
> >>> </layout>
> >>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> However this construct, which requires use of xml:id for style and
> region reference, breaks xml:id uniqueness rules, resulting in invalid
> documents. What options are there for achieving this use case? I can see:
> >>>>
> >>>> a) repeating all the content in the document with different style and
> region references and specifying condition only on the content,
> >>>>
> >>>> b) basing everything on the initial element and making that
> conditional (since nothing needs to refer to initial by xml:id), and
> specifying all regions inline - unfortunately this may be very verbose in
> terms of repeating regions on many content elements, but it could work for
> cases where there are only a few regions and they can be associated with
> body or div elements.
> >>>>
> >>>> Neither of these two options is particularly attractive - a) is
> highly repetitious and offers no advantage over the provision of multiple
> documents with any associated costs for asset management and distribution
> there. b) is limited in basing style on initial so it is a 'one chance'
> condition, and it is potentially repetitious in region definition.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> By the way, there are at least three audience groups for which this
> use case exists: 1) Those who have reading difficulties with normal size
> text; 2) users of different devices, where it has been established that
> text needs to be rendered at different sizes on large screen televisions
> from smartphones for example; 3) those who just want to be able to
> customise the display.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> It would be great if the condition construct could be used to allow
> some predefined viewing options to be authored into the document, i.e. in a
> controlled way by the document author. I can't see how this can be achieved
> at present though.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> What solution choices are there? Perhaps the easiest is to redefine
> the condition construct so that it also includes an 'if then else if'
> syntax in which attributes can be defined, so you might end up with, for
> example:
> >>>>
> >>>> <region xml:id="r1" condition="if parameter(text_size)=='large size
> font' then (tts:extent='95vw 30vh' elseif parameter(text_size)='normal size
> font' then (tts:extent='80vw 20vh') elseif parameter(text_size)='small size
> font' then (tts:extent='60vw 15vh') else (tts:extent='80vw 20vh')"/>
> >>>>
> >>>> Then xml:id rules are not broken and region r1 can be referenced
> safely with the attribute evaluation only being conditional. I'd advocate
> retaining the ability to specify a condition that can be used to exclude
> the entire element from semantic processing, as now.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Another solution to this problem might be to define some
> preprocessing using XPath to select specific elements and/or attributes and
> set values on the basis of the same condition functions that have already
> been specified, i.e. parameter, media, supports. Something like:
> >>>>
> >>>> <tt:tt [parameters etc]>
> >>>> <preprocess>
> >>>>    <rule condition="parameter(text_size)=='large size text'"
> path="//region[@xml:id='r1']">
> >>>>       <attributes tts:extent="95vw 30vh">
> >>>>    </rule>
> >>>> </preprocess>
> >>>> <head>
> >>>>    <layout><region xml:id="r1"/></layout>
> >>>> ...
> >>>>
> >>>> It would be an error for a path attribute to refer to anywhere except
> <head> or <body> or their descendants.
> >>>>
> >>>> This option would also have the incidental effect that it would
> provide similar functionality to declarative styling. All the rules would
> be executed in document order prior to processing the <head>. Preprocessing
> could of course also be performed externally to the document before
> processing, if a 'user style' is desirable (as is the case for any XML
> document) .
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>

Received on Friday, 16 January 2015 15:31:58 UTC