Re: ISSUE-374: Generalize tts:fontVariantPosition [TTML2]

Are the super/sub and full/half variants non-combinable, or is it
permitted to have "super half" for example?

On 23/02/2015 06:55, "Timed Text Working Group Issue Tracker"
<> wrote:

>ISSUE-374: Generalize tts:fontVariantPosition [TTML2]

>Raised by: Glenn Adams
>On product: TTML2
>In order to support Japanese (and other CJK) usage, it is useful to
>support selection of other axes of glyph variation besides position
>(super/sub). In particular, selection of full width and half width
>variants, as supported by the OpenType 'fwid' and 'hwid' features, as
>well as ruby variants, is useful. To this end, the
>tts:fontVariantPosition property should be renamed to tts:fontVariant,
>and its values enhanced to specify, at a minimum:
>* super vs sub (script) forms
>* full vs half width forms
>* ruby forms
>Specifically, propose the value of the generalized property to adhere to
>the following:
>  : normal
>  | [ super | sub ] || [ full | half ] || ruby
>When super or sub is specified, then the 'sups' or 'subs' OpenType
>feature is enabled. When full or half is specified, then the 'fwid' or
>'hwid' OpenType feature is enabled. When ruby is specified, then the
>'ruby' OpenType feature is enabled.

Received on Monday, 23 February 2015 10:03:11 UTC