Re: IMSC1 preparation for CR.

On 24/09/2014 18:04, Nigel Megitt wrote:
> On 24/09/2014 13:28, "Thierry MICHEL" <> wrote:
>> Pierre,
>> I would like to start preparation of the publication of IMSC1 [1] as CR.
>> We are targetting mid october for this publication. I propose Oct 14th,
>> if that is OK with you. Following that week there is a publishing
>> moratorium for TPAC 2014.
> Can we stick with October 15 as agreed and published, or is there a
> day-of-the-week constraint?

There is indeed a day-of-the-week constraint: publication only on 
tuesday and thursday.

>> Here is a list of the remaining tasks:
>> 1-Finalyse the draft
>> - finish the editor updates.
>> - draft a new "Status of This Document". I will provie the wording, if
>> you would like. In this section we should provide the CR exit criteria
>> (I will draft also a baseline).
>> - have the draft compliant with pubrules
>> 2- Once the draft is done and frozen, we should have a resolution for
>> the TTWG to agree to transition to CR.
>> 3- We will need to achive the following according to the new W3C process
>> [2] and therefore must organize a call with the director to move to CR.
>> We should reserve now a meeting slot with the Director.
>> - must show that the specification has met all Working Group
>> requirements, or explain why the requirements have changed or been
>> deferred,
> At the current time we have no documentation of requirements for IMSC 1.

I don't see any requirements neither in the charter

>> -  must document changes to dependencies during the development of the
>> specification,
>> - must document how adequate implementation experience will be
>> demonstrated,
>> - must specify the deadline for comments, which must be at least four
>> weeks after publication, and should be longer for complex documents,
>> - must show that the specification has received wide review, and
>> - may identify features in the document as "at risk". These features may
>> be removed before advancement to Proposed Recommendation without a
>> requirement to publish a new Candidate Recommendation.
>> And then we will be ready for CR publication ...
>> Thierry
>> [1]
>> .html
>> [2]

Received on Wednesday, 24 September 2014 16:30:49 UTC