ISSUE-149 (tts:extend-extensions): XML schema error for tts:extent usage [DFXP 1.0]

ISSUE-149 (tts:extend-extensions): XML schema error for tts:extent usage [DFXP 1.0]

Raised by: Philippe Le Hégaret
On product: DFXP 1.0

There is an error in the TTML XML schema regarding the use of

TTML 1.0 says in the definition of extent that it is permitted on both
<region> and <tt> elements: 

However, the schema both forbids it on <tt>, and allows it on <body>: 

Since the prose takes precedence, the schema should be corrected
and brought into conformance.

Received on Monday, 30 January 2012 14:09:32 UTC